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Robert Ritchie Reiki Practitioner - Sheffield

Reveal the best version of yourself.

Reiki Energy Treatments 


10% Off Your First Treatment

*Includes Reiki concessions.

Robert Ritchie Reiki Practitioner - Sheffield
Robert Ritchie Reiki Practitioner - Sheffield
Robert Ritchie Reiki Practitioner - Sheffield


Reiki promotes the easement of physical and emotional stress to restore the natural rhythm, balance and energetic connection between the body, mind and spirit.

Robert Ritchie Reiki Practitioner - Sheffield

An Introduction to The History of Reiki.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a traditional Japanese energy practice that can be traced back to around 1200 BC during the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD) when the hanzi ideograms for Rei and Ki were first introduced to Japan. In the early 19th century, Reiki Master Mikao Usui developed Usui Reiki, combining ancient spiritual practices with the understanding that everyone has an unseen universal "life force energy" that flows through their bodies and practising simple ethical ideals to promote peace and harmony called the precepts of Reiki can help bring peace, happiness and health to oneself and others and the universe.

To deepen his personal and spiritual development, Usuis completed a self-directed 21-day practice of prayer, fasting and meditation on Mount Kurama in North Japan called the discipline of prayer and fasting. It was during this time Usui experienced a profound life-changing spiritual experience that led to the development of Usui Reiki, which is one of the most trusted and universally practised forms of Reiki today.


While the practice and experience of Reiki require no formal faith or system of belief, Reiki promotes the easement of physical and emotional stress by releasing held tension within the body through the gentle and intuitive placement of Reiki hand positions, held both on and over your clothed body, to help raise your energetic vibration by focusing and guiding Reiki Energy towards several specific energy centres, to restore the natural rhythm, balance and energetic connection between the body, mind and spirit.

While receiving Reiki, clients have shared a sense of deep relaxation, emotional calmness and an overall feeling of peace and wellbeing and sensations of warmth, coolness, tingling and seeing colours.​

Robert Ritchie Reiki Practitioner - Sheffield
Robert Ritchie Reiki Practitioner - Sheffield

What Sets Me Apart.

Qualified, Registered & Insured.

I am a qualified and insured Holistic Reiki Energy Practitioner, registered with The Reiki Association and Omnes Healing. I have also completed formal training in Integrated Health and Social Care at Sheffield Hallam University, Psychology with The Open University and qualifications in complementary health and Holistic Massage to provide a truly holistic approach to my practice of Reiki.

Experienced and Led by Research.

As a member of the above healing organisations, I work alongside other Reiki and Spiritual healers who provide Reiki and Energy Healing to those affected by worldwide crises and natural disasters, following current clinical guidance and published research for the practice of Reiki.

Sheffield & Leeds Based Reiki Practice.

I hold a Reiki clinic at The Practice Rooms in Sheffield and Leeds, where you can enjoy complimentary tea, coffee, herbal tea or water, connect to free secure WiFi and park in the free off-street private car park (Sheffield only). Please read the accessibility statement regarding the practice rooms.

Robert Ritchie Reiki Practitioner - Sheffield

Choosing to experience Reiki is deeply personal, and booking a complimentary 30-minute in-person consultation in Sheffield allows time to explore what brought you to Reiki and address any questions and expectations before scheduling your Reiki appointment.

Schedule Sheffield Appointment

Robert Ritchie Reiki Practitioner - Sheffield

Experience the release of held stress and tension within the body and mind through the comforting and intuitive placement of Reiki hand positions, held on and over several main energy points to restore balance and the energetic rhythm between the body and mind.

Schedule Sheffield Appointment.

Schedule Leeds Appointment.

Robert Ritchie Reiki Practitioner - Sheffield

Experience a complete Reiki Energy Treatment with a generous £10 discount for Blue Light and Armed Forces cardholders, students and clients who are unpaid carers, receiving state benefits, or have low incomes. 

Schedule Sheffield Appointment.

Schedule Leeds Appointment.

Get to Know Your Reiki Practitioner.

A Little More About Robert

While the experience of all complementary and holistic health therapies, including Reiki, requires no formal faith or system of belief, many practitioners, including myself, hold a holistic/spiritualistic approach towards health, wellbeing and life.

As a spiritual person, I regularly practise dynamic and silent non-religious prayer, Kalmic Yoga, Mindfulness, and deep reflective practices and the use of Oracle Cards, to deepen my own spiritual and personal wellbeing and deepen my connection to the practice and philosophy of Reiki.


As mentioned above, I work with fellow Reiki and Spiritual Healers, to provide free distance energy healing to anyone who feels they would benefit and those affected by worldwide crises and natural disasters.


If you would benefit from this free service, please contact Omnes Healing.

Robert Ritchie Reiki Practitioner - Sheffield
Robert Ritchie Reiki Practitioner - Sheffield
Robert Ritchie Reiki Practitioner - Sheffield


When attending The Practice Rooms, you can rest in a supportive environment, enjoy complimentary tea, coffee, juice or water, and connect to free secure WiFi and park in the free off-street private car park to the rear of the property at Sheffield.​​​​

The Practice Rooms. Broomhill, Sheffield. S10 2SE

The Practice Rooms. Park Square, Leeds LS1 2NP

Reiki Treatment Times

Saturday: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm

Sunday:    11:00 am - 6:00 pm

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